Well hello there, blog world. I'm Jamie, and this is a new blog, Comfortable Stuff. If you haven't already put two and two together, this is a blog about comfortable stuff. Surprising, no? It came to life after a conversation with a friend with a headache seeking advice. I suggested a nice, warm compress. We got to discussing and I got to thinking about my first days in college, missing my mom, trying in vain to think of comforting activities to pursue. Again, when I very recently moved away from school and the everyday routine that had comforted me for years, I found myself craving comfort foods and hugs. So, if you're ever craving a little bit of comfort, look no further: I'm here for you.
And, in honor of my dear Vicki (who will likely be posting her own comfortable stuff in the near future) who inspired this whole venture to begin with, I will start with...
A warm compress!
Honestly, what could be simpler? A washcloth plus hot water equals instant comfy. Sore muscles? Warm compress! Tired eyes? Warm compress! Cramps, headaches, pulled muscles, general grumpyness? Warm compress! Try it. Go now. I bet you'll be glad you did.
I love this blog already.